Open Streets Initiatives

  • What is an Open Streets Initiative?
    • An Open Streets initiative is a frequently occurring project that opens a street in your community to people by closing them to cars. Open Streets are entirely free and accessible, offering the community the opportunity to utilize the roadways in countless creative and active ways, experience their street as peers, while encouraging greater civic participation and building support for the provision of broader transportation choices. By temporarily removing the danger of motor vehicles, open streets provide a novel type of public space that helps people make social connections with their fellow citizens. Doing so, builds social capital and fosters a wider understanding of their community, each other, and the very real potential for making streets friendlier to all people.


  • What is Northside Open Streets all about?
    • Saturdays & Sundays starting August 26th through October 1st, Vandalia between Hamilton & Gulow and from Apple to Hoffner will be closed to vehicular traffic. Prioritizing people over cars is part of Northside's efforts in increasing pedestrian safety - Join us in our reclaiming of the streets & promoting safe activation in our community!


  • Day/time/location
    • 8/26-10/1 Saturdays & Sundays 9am-9pm


  • Programming
    • Scheduling programming, ongoing! Northside organizations, businesses, or community members interested in activating this space with their passion - email [email protected] ASAP. What would you like to get in the middle of the street and offer to the community?


  • Volunteers
    • Volunteer sign ups are located here:(Sign ups are closed)